Welcome to September

For many families September means getting back to a routine of school, college or university and normal working hours for parents. The end of fun holiday time and the start of a stressful school term!

Going back to school in September can be a stressful time for both children and parents.  If your child is struggling, going back to school there is help available.

EFT Tapping helps to reduce anxiety and along with the correct mix of Bach Flower Remedies children are more able to manage their anxiety.

I offer a 30 minute zoom call with you and your child to identify the correct Bach Flower mix for them and post them to you. PLUS a short EFT Tapping session which will also help. The cost is £35 which includes the remedy mix and a recording of the tapping for them to redo at home as needed.

If your child is stressed about going back to school give me a call to book a zoom session Tel: 07762054818.

EFT Tapping Points

Five Flower Rescue Remedy is a good all round remedy to take if you are not sure which ones will help.

5 Flower Remedy

School can be hard work concentrating for some..

Every child learns differently, some find it harder than others to concentrate in a school setting. Kinesiology has many techniques which help improve concentration and learning abilities at school. Take a look at the videos on the links below, to help improve concentration, making learning and school more enjoyable. You are never too old to do these exercises. Have a go and let me know how you get on.

Switch Brain On

Eye Exercises

Lazy eights

Cross Crawl

I hope these videos and tips help you and your family to enjoy September and the return to school.

Want to learn more ways to help your family?

Is it time for you to return to school too? Learn something new. In September 2008 I returned to school and began studying kinesiology and I have never looked back, it opened a whole new world to me.

Since beginning this journey, I have continued learning and developing my skills to help others as well as my family.  I have found so many valuable techniques to improve our health and wellbeing. I have enjoyed the skills I learnt so much that I now share them by teaching kinesiology classes locally, on behalf of the oldest kinesiology training school in the UK- The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology.

My next courses being this autumn in Royal Wootton Bassett, there is still time to book your place.

The beginner’s classes teach you all of the techniques in the videos and lots more. To find out more about my courses click below:

Courses in Royal Wootton Bassett

You could complete the 8 day intensive course this year -starts on 4th October.

Learn to help yourself with Reiki

Reiki channels healing energy and is great to do on yourself and others. Clearing energies providing relaxation and healing.

A few years ago, I went back to school and learnt this powerful healing and add this to my routine most days and find it really beneficial. I now teach reiki to small groups and my next Level 2 Reiki class is in September. If you are interested in finding out about learning Reiki level 1, give me call as I am planning a date soon. Tel: 07762054818

Wishing you all relaxing and stress free September and I hope the tips helps you and your family.